A Plea for a Principled Approach to International Environmental Governance
A principled approach to environmental governance can provide the cement for a new and more united w...
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Yann Aguila is Professor at Sciences Po Paris and partner at Bredin Prat, a law firm in Paris, where he heads the firm’s Public Law practice.
Prior to joining the bar, he was judge at the French Administrative Supreme Court, the Conseil d’État (1990/1995 – 2001/2011). He also acted as legal adviser to the President of the Republic of Senegal (1995-2001). In 2014, he was awarded the 2014 Law Book Prize for his book “Droit public français et européen” (in French) (French and European public law).
He chairs the Environment Commission of the French think tank “Le Club des juristes” . He has authored several reports on environmental law, including “Increasing the Effectiveness of International Environmental Law – Duties of States, Rights of Individuals” in 2015. He is one of the initiators of the Global Pact for the Environment, which was drafted in 2017 by an international network of about 100 experts. He is the Executive Director of the Global Pact Coalition, an association which aims to promote the Global Pact project.