Advisory Board
Laurent Fabius
President of the French Constitutional Council. Former Chair of COP21.
Yann Aguila
President at Global Pact Coalition. Professor at Sciences Po Paris. Partner at Bredin Prat.
Ana Barreira
Director and Senior Environmental Lawyer at IIDMA (Instituto Internacional de Derecho y Medio Ambiente/International Institute for Law and the Environment).
Antonio Benjamin
Justice at Supreme Federal Court of Brazil. Chair of the IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law.
Samantha Besson
Professor, International Law of Institutions Chair at the Collège de France & Public International Law and European Law, University of Fribourg, Switzerland.
Ben Boer
Emeritus Professor, University of Sydney Law School.
Laurence Boisson de Chazournes
Professor of International Law, University of Geneva.
David R. Boyd
UN Special Rapporteur on human rights and the environment. Associate Professor, University of British Columbia.
Lord Robert Carnwath
Former United Kingdom Supreme Court Justice. Honorary Professor of Law of University College London. Honorary Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge.
Erin Daly
Professor of Law at Delaware Law School. Director of the Global Network for Human Rights and the Environment.
Claudia S. de Windt
Executive Director, Inter-American Institute of Justice and Sustainability (IIJS). Adjunct Associate Professor, American University, Washington College of Law.
Bharat Desai
Professor of International Law, Jawaharlal Nehru Chair in International Environmental Law and Chairman, Centre for International Legal Studies School of International Studies Jawaharlal Nehru University.
Geneviève Dufour
Full Professor, University of Sherbrooke Law School. President, Quebec Society of International Law.
Daniel Esty
Hillhouse Professor at Yale University.
Parvez Hassan
Senior Partner at Hassan and Hassan Advocates, Pakistan. Senior Advocate in the Supreme Court of Pakistan.
Maria Ivanova
Associate Professor of Global Governance, John W. McCormack Graduate School of Policy and Global Studies, University of Massachusetts Boston.
Marie Jacobsson
Principal Legal Adviser on International Law at the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
Donald Kaniaru
Director in the Division of Environmental Policy Implementation at UNEP.
John Knox
Lauerman Professor of International Law, Wake Forest University; former UN Special Rapporteur on human rights and the environment.
Luc Lavrysen
President of the Constitutional Court of Belgium. President of the EU Forum of Judges for the Environment. Director of the Environmental & Energy Law Centre at Ghent University.
Paulo Magalhães
Founder and President of the Common Home of Humanity. Jurist and researcher at CIJE (Center for Legal and Economic Research) at the University of Porto.
Sandrine Maljean-Dubois
Senior Researcher at CNRS (Centre national de la recherche scientifique). Teaches international environmental law at the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of Aix-Marseille University.
Makane Moïse Mbengue
Professor of International Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Geneva and Director of the Department of International Law and International Organization.
Elisa Morgera
Professor of Global Environmental Law, Strathclyde Centre for Environmental Law and Governance, Strathclyde University Law School; and Director of the UKRI GCRF One Ocean Hub.
Antonio Oposa
Creative litigator, organizer, and activist for environmental legislation in the Philippines.
Nilüfer Oral
Director of Centre for International Law, National University of Singapore. Member of UN International Law Commission.
Alain Pellet
Emeritus Professor, University Paris Nanterre. Former Member and Chairperson, International Law Commission. Member, Institut de Droit international. Honorary President, French Society for International Law
Michel Prieur
President of the International Centre for Comparative Environmental Law. Honorary President of the French Society for Environmental Law, Honorary President of the European Association of Environmental Law, Emeritus Professor at the University of Limoges.
Manuel Pulgar Vidal
Global Leader of Climate & Energy at WWF (World Wild Fund for Nature). Former Minister of the Environment of Peru (2011 to 2016) and President of COP20 in 2014.
Tianbao Qin
Changjiang (Cheung Kong) Scholar and Luojia Professor of Law, Associate Dean for the School of Law at Wuhan University.
Nicholas Robinson
Gilbert & Sarah Kerlin Distinguished Professor of Environmental Law Emeritus. Executive Governor, International Council of Environmental Law (ICEL).
Jeffrey Sachs
Professor, Columbia University and Director, Center for Sustainable Development.
Yacouba Savadogo
Technical Advisor to the Minister of Environment, Burkina Faso.
Jaap Spier
Yale University Global Justice Fellow. Former Advocate-General in the Supreme Court.
Jorge E. Viñuales
Harold Samuel Chair of Law and Environmental Policy at the University of Cambridge.
Christina Voigt
Professor, Department of Public and International Law, University of Oslo.
Linda Wong
Deputy secretary-general of the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF). Member of the IUCN WCPA.
Margaret Young
FAAL, Professor, Melbourne Law School, University of Melbourne.
Jinfeng Zhou
Secretary-General of China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF).