The Long Path Towards “Environmental Democracy” and the Role of Public Participation
Sixty years ago, the bases for environmental protection were outlined, with the need to establish co...
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Carmen Plaza Martin is Profesora Titular at the University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain) where she has taught Public Law, EU Law and Environmental Law. Carmen has been General Director for Equal Opportunities of the Spanish Government. She is currently Legal Counsel of the Spanish Constitutional Court and remains an inactive Madrid Bar member.
She has completed an LLM in European Community Law at the University of Essex (UK) and a PhD in Law at Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain), and she has been Visiting Researcher at the Law School of Harvard University.
One of her fields of research focuses on public participation in Environmental Law and Governance. She is the author of La aplicación de las disposiciones del segundo pilar del Convenio de Aarhus en España. Los avances y los viejos retos (2018)| Revista Catalana de Dret Ambiental); Environmental Protection and Public Participation: The Recent Evolution at the International Level and in Spain (16 Veredas do Direito 2019; Participación pública: la aplicación judicial de las disposiciones del Convenio de Aarhus y de la Directiva de Evaluación de Impacto Ambiental por el TJUE (Observatorio de Políticas Ambientales 2020); “Gobernanza y participación pública frente al cambio climático” (in F.J Alenza & L. Mellado, Comentarios a la Ley de Cambio Climático y Transición Ecológica, Thomson-Reuters, 2022 forthcoming).