2022 Declaration: a Chance to Enhance Environmental Rule of Law in the Process of Achieving Sustainable Development Objectives and Goals
Environmental rule of law and sustainable development are undoubtedly the two most significant terms...
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Maria Magdalena Kenig-Witkowska is the Professor of Legal Sciences and the Full Professor at the University of Warsaw and a visiting lecturer at a number of universities in Europe, Africa, Asia and the USA. She is the author of many publications in the field of international and European environmental law, and an expert and legal advisor in the field of environmental law for a wide range of international bodies and organizations including: UNEP, UNDP, UNECA, the EU and national authorities. She is also the Chairwoman of the Program Council of the “Civic Society” foundation. Maria Magdalena Kenig-Witkowska has won the Judge Manfred Lachs Prize and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education Award for outstanding scientific achievements. She is a member of the group of experts working on the draft Global Pact for the Environment (“International Group of Experts for the Pact”).