Can the 2022 Declaration be a Game Changer?
Without a legal framework able to represent the global commons as they exist intangibly in the natur...
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Jurist, researcher at CIJE- University of Porto. Pos-Doc Law about the legal status of climate and the structural roots of climate emergency. Degree in Law, Catholic University of Porto, a post-degree in Environmental Law, University of Coimbra and PhD in Human Ecology, Nova University of Lisbon. In 2007, published “The Earth Condominium: From Climate Change to a New Juridic Conception of the Planet”. In 2016, is co-editor of the “SOS Treaty – The Safe Operating Space Treaty: A New Approach to Managing Our Use of the Earth System”. He is the Founder and President of Common Home of Humanity, and Counselor of CNADS – National Council for Environment and Sustainable Development.