The Failure of Climate Change Multilateralism and its Urgent Reboot
Why is humanity still losing the war against the climate crisis despite five decades worth of intern...
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Simon Holmström is a Member of Parliament in Åland (Finland) for the green party Sustainable Initiative and has a background within environmental advocacy. Simon holds a Master’s degree in environmental psychology from Surrey University in 2017. Building on his academic experience, he has led a local nature conservation organisation and co-founded the Nordic-Baltic youth movement ReGeneration 2030 which brings young people to intergenerational dialogues with senior change makers. From the start of his political mandate period, he has engaged himself in the Nordic Council and its Center Group, from which he has been spearheading the initiative of a Nordic Climate Alliance and an initiative on phasing out Nordic production of fossil fuels. He was one of the Nordic Council delegates to COP26 and is one of two delegates to Stockholm+50. Simon is also a subscriber to the international parliamentarians’ call for a Fossil Fuel Free Future, a part of the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative. You can find him on LinkedIn.