Right to a healthy environment

Granny Green vs. Swiss Scream: Upholding Climate Justice and the Rule-of-Law
The article discusses how Switzerland's rejection of a landmark climate ruling by the European Court...

The Role of Human Rights Law in Climate Obligations
This article was originally published in Open Global Rights, as part of a series of articles on the ...

Towards a Human-Rights-Proof Energy Transition
To meet their obligations under the Paris Agreement to mitigate their emissions of greenhouse gases,...

The Evolution of Human Rights: Exploring the Third Generation through the Lens of Environmental Rights and the 1992 Rio Declaration
The concept of human rights has evolved over time, with each new "generation" expanding protections ...

Greening Rights : Progress, Reflections, and Future Horizons
The human right to a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment traces its roots back to the 1972 S...

Environmental Rights and Future Generations
Environmental harm done today will undeniably affect future generations. How can we make sure their ...

From Green Rights to Rights of Nature: Fostering Synergies
Can the approach based on environment-related Human Rights be reconciled with the approach based on ...

Green Human Rights and Common Interest
The establishment and further development of environmental human rights is an important component of...

Climate change and the advisory function of international courts and tribunals
A coalition of member States led by Vanuatu is bringing a draft resolution to the UNGA to request an...

The Contribution of Transnational Environmental Rules and Standards to Realisation of the Human Right to a Healthy Environment
This essay analyses the adoption of Resolution 76/300 by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA),...

At the confluence of environmental and human rights law
The recent recognition of the human right to a healthy environment partakes of both international en...

2022 Declaration: Enhancing the Implementation of International Environmental Law
The 2022 Declaration resulting from the UNEP@50 international conference could be a strong document....